Hibiscus Coast Photographic Club News

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Is anyone missing their glasses from Thne Xmas function?

Ollie Dale has someone's glasses and he is looking for his.

December PSNZ newsletter

The December newsletter is available here:

PSNZ - Dec Newsletter 2024 Web.pdf

December newsletter now available.

Follow the link to the newsletter.

HCPC Newsletter December 2024.pdf

Munnings Trophy Selection

At each club night, the judge selects one of the top images he or she regards as the best of the best and we have a Champion image.

Over the year there are 10 Champion images.

Members now get to vote for their choice of The Overall Champion of those 10 Champion images. The winner will receive the Munnings Trophy.  Have a look at the attached images and decide on your vote. Only one vote!

Monday 4th Nov. Final Round of Landscape contest

Assessment of the final round of landscape contest will be next Monday the 4th.

Newsletter November 2024

The newsletter is now published in the Newspaper Section.



Nature Round 4 assessment

Join us on the Zoom link to assess the nature competition's last round.

Sunday, October 27th at 7 pm

October edition of CameraTalk

We are pleased to advise that the October edition of CameraTalk has been published and is available on ISSUU.  

In addition to regular features, in this mammoth edition we:

Street photography

We have now confirmed our street photography outings with Dave Simpson. 


The dates are Saturdays November 2nd and November 9th. There are a couple of spots still available. 

The course consists of:

 1) Preparation (online one evening): a 90-minute online session a week or so before the practical session to talk about the principles of street photography, what equipment to bring etc to get people prepared for the practical

Focus group for Smartphone photography.

Following up on the October workshop, John is now inviting members to the focus group for Smartphones.

First meeting: Tuesday, 15th October, 9.30 am to 10.30 am

Location: Cafe Hibiscus, 639 Whangaparaoa Road, Stanmore Bay (opposite REPCO).

John can be contacted at  helsdonjohn@hotmail.com