Competition Rules/Awards

  • ENTRY RULES - Revised May 2016

Entries Assessment of images is open to financial members only. Entries may be in the form of monochrome or colour prints/digital images.
Type of image PRINT or DIGITAL
Rules of entry for images 1. These must be photographed by the member.
2. Images that have been digitally altered are acceptable for the Club Competition but all the material used must be from photographs taken by the member.
3. Copies of other people’s works will not be eligible
4. No image that has obtained an award in ordinary monthly competitions may be entered again in monthly competitions but may be entered in annual competitions or salons. However, any image may be re-entered in accordance with suggestions of the judge or where in the opinion of the exhibitor such reprinting or remounting  and digital adjustment presents a much improved or different exhibit, provided that a period of six months shall have elapsed between the original showing and re-submission.
5. A judge assessing images in a club competition may decide not to give an award to an image and choose to pass the image in. This may be done with or without critique or comment by the judge.
An Image that has been “Passed in” in a club competition may be re-submitted for assessment into the next, or any subsequent, club competition  either in its original or reworked format. Once it has received an award Rule 4 applies.
6. In all matters, pertaining to the Club’s competitions, the Assessment Committee of  the Hibiscus Photographic Club will be the final authority

Ownership and use of Images

The author will retain ownership of all images submitted to the club. Permission will be sought to use any images in advertising or interclub events.  Entry into the competition automatically grants the club permission to display low-resolution copies of the work in this website and the Club’s newsletter.

8. Entries close at midnight on the last day of the month preceding the competition.
Maximum number
of entries
You may enter a maximum of 2 images per month, being any combination of print, digital, ’set subject’ or ‘open’ images
Size May be of any size up to 507mm (20in) by 405mm (16in) including mount and mat. Prints need to be mounted at least sufficiently to self support being stood vertically.
Frame Prints may be framed but without glass
Mount Mount on backing board made of cardboard or 3mm foam core. The surrounding matt improves the presentation
Printing Trade or home printed
Labelling The back of the print must be clearly labelled with the member’s name and grade, whether open or set subject, the title and the Print Registration Number which will be communicated by email before club night.
Entries Close Entries in digital format must be uploaded to the club web site not later than midnight on the last day of the month preceding the competition, and prints placed on the display stand by 7pm on Club night.
File type Images must be saved in jpeg format (.jpg)
File name Must be registered and uploaded via the club web site not later than midnight on the last day of the month preceding the competition.

Image size
Note new size

Landscape format
Images will be projected at a maximum dimension of 3840 horizontal pixels and/or 2160 vertical pixels.  Smaller pixel sizes will not be upsampled, but displayed as presented.  Jpeg files of this maximum size may be safely saved at maximum quality.

Portrait format
Images will be projected at a maximum dimension of 2160 vertical pixels.

Entries Close Entries must be uploaded to the club web site not later than midnight on the last day of the month preceding the competition.
  • AWARDS and GRADES - Revised June 2020

The images are assessed by the judge and points are awarded as shown
Image Assessments
Acceptance                1 Point
Merit                          2 Points
Highly commended    3 Points
Honours                     5 Points
An extra point will be awarded for 'Set Subject' entries
Winning images One print and one digital image from both Set and Open Subjects will be chosen by the judge as the best images in their sections of the competition and certificates will be awarded.
Champion Image

From the four best images from the month the judge will then choose one image as the Champion image for that month. 

At the end of the calendar year members get to vote for the Champion image they regard as the best. The member whose image is voted best is awarded the Munnings Trophy.   

Members’ grades

New members are assigned grade C with the exception of the following:

  • Members transferring from another club or overseas club with evidence of letters of photographic competence beyond grade A from a parent body such as PSNZ (or from overseas) e.g LSPNZ upwards will be assigned A grade
  • Members transferring from another club in New Zealand will be assigned A or B grade at HCPC on production of a letter from their previous club verifying their competence at that grade.
  • Alternatively a portfolio of 10 images may be submitted for grading should the member be unable to obtain proof of their competence above C grade.
Upgrading of members Members will be automatically upgraded when they qualify for the next grade.
Grade B  - requires 25 points and 3 honours at C Grade 
Grade A  - requires a further 80 points and 8 honours  at B Grade
Grade A  Silver – requires a further 15 honours at A Grade (at least 3 must be for prints)
Grade A Gold – requires a further 25 honours at A Grade Silver (at least 5 must be for prints)
Club Awards
Each year the club has the following awards
  • Ray Turley Trophy: Open to all members and is for the most points achieved for entries in club night competitions in a calendar year
  • Munnings Trophy: Members choice of the top Champion image as chosen by the judge in each club night competition in a calendar year.
  • Eastwood Landscape Award: Open to all members, the highest aggregate points scored over the four rounds of this competition in a calendar year.
  • Sanders NZ Nature Award: Open to all members, the highest aggregate points scored over the four rounds of this competition in a calendar year.
  • Hibiscus Award: Open to A Grade Sliver and Gold members: The member must score 8 Honours in Set Subjects, 2 of which must be prints, in a calendar year.
  • Founders Trophy: To a member who has made significant contribution to the club over a number of years.
Miscellaneous Rules Members may not advertise private Business Ventures in the Newsletter or the website.